Become A Sponsor
If you are interested in showcasing your business to over 10,000 festival guests
with a customized sponsorship, please contact event president,
Von Starkey, at vonstarkey131@gmail.com or at 330-655-1530
Thank you to our Past Sponsors
Streetsboro Holiday Inn, Delta Systems, Streetsboro’s V.F.W. Post #9716, St Joan of Arc Parish, City of Streetsboro, Streetsboro Police Department, Streetsboro City Schools, FM 88.9 Sunday Oldies Jukebox, 88.9 FM WSTB Radio, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Streetsboro Visitors Bureau, Streetsboro’s All Seasons RV, Streetsboro’s Dunkin Donuts, Murphy’s Photography, Streetsboro Chamber of Commerce, Tori Tedesco Designs & Photography, Blasiole’s Italian Eatery, D.A.R.E., Pets Supplies Plus, Pierce Streetsboro Library, Portage County, Shorts Funeral Homes, Action Auto Body, Sparkle Carpet Cleaning of Streetsboro, Byer’s Concessions, Captain Dave & Crew D.J.Service & Live Entertainment, American Legion Post #685, Streetsboro Dental Partners Inc., Kimble, Parta